Choosing your baby's name

Alba, Mia, Jade ... Nathan, Léo or Adam ... Our first name is the heart of our individuality, one of the peculiarities that differentiate us from each other. Reflecting our personality, we carry it all our lives and it has a real impact on the way in which we are going to be perceived by the world.
All of this, as parents, we are well aware of it, which is why finding the right name for our little one is not always easy.
We all look First name : This first name which will show him everything love Let him be brought through this thoughtful choice. Classic, original, atypical or timeless, the possibilities are numerous and choosing the first name of your child is an essential step in your pregnancy. This is your freedom, it will reflect your tastes and the future you imagine for your baby. Some parents even opt for a total originality By inventing their own first name. Be careful, however, not to be too original, do not forget that his first name or follow her all her life, it is better to avoid word games that could become delicate to wear in the future.😊
Sometimes a first name is chosen for a particular meaning that is close to your heart, a value to promulgate, like: Clémence, which comes from the Latin "clementia", and which means "sweetness", "indulgence" or Still Lucas, from Latin "Lux", meaning "Light".
For some of you, your child's first name is An evidence From the start of pregnancy, you have even sometimes in mind for years; And for others, he is chosen The day of childbirth Seeing your baby's little boil. And then, sometimes, the happy parents finally changed their mind at the last moment, and the little Emma becomes Agathe.
You are in inspiration ? Do not panic !
Today, there are many sources of inspiration. THE novels and films are part of it with characters with various names. After all, many people were named after a fictional character or one of their parents' favorite actors. Isn't that Hermione?😉
Another source of inspiration and not least: Specialized books and works, like The official first names or first name. True bibles, they reference many, while indicating precious information such as the origin of the first name, the number of people carrying it in France, or the character associated with it. Besides, we strongly advise you to crack on one of these little wonders which are real assets for future parents still undecided.
Calendars can also help you. Eh yes ! Let’s not forget, every day of the famous year at least one name, which leaves you more than 365 ideas.😉
Websites : A real mine of information, the Internet is full of blog articles, forums, or sites that can orient you in your choice. We can also find there every year the rankings most given names in France. This can also inspire you, either because you will fall for a first name or on the contrary because you do not want a too given a first name. Here is the top 5 of the 2022 first names :
Top names of girls |
Top names of boys |
"Hereditary" first names : Show all the love you have to one of your loved ones by giving your first name to your little bit. Some "classic" first names are very beautiful and timeless, but above all are filled with memories for you. Marie, Rose, Jeanne, Hervé or Louis, the first name of your grandfather, your godmother, a close person takes all his meaning when you send him to your child.
Besides, in France, it is very common that the 2nd and / or 3rd name of a person was chosen to pay tribute to a person who is dear to us.
The difficulties in making your choice
Our family
First, do not be influenced in the choice of your first name. It is classic that within a circle of relatives the tastes diverge and that the first name you have chosen does not please everyone. And that's normal! All tastes and colors are in nature. Besides, conversely, you too might not fall for the first name that your sister will give to her child. This should not question your choices, you could regret it in the future, especially if the first name in question was a crush.
Of course, constructive remarks can be taken into account. After all, your loved ones know you and they can always be very good advice.
Sounds and puns
It is important to test your child's future first name, written as orally and above all attached to the family name he will wear. Sometimes you can have unpleasant surprises and word games appear without them being wanted. As with one of the best known: Sarah Pelle ("It reminds").
Ultimately, The final choice Your child's first name is based on your desires and tastes. Make a vacuum, imagine your little one in a few years, you talk to him, you comfort him, you call it. In your dreams, what first name do you call it? 😊