Amanda from 1duvetpour2 tells us about her breastfeeding

Mother of two beautiful little boys, Amanda is a bubbly woman. You know her and surely follow her through her expeditions around the world with her little family. They share their everyday life as an adventurous family for our greatest pleasure. We had the chance to meet Amanda and her twins Mahel and Mathis on the occasion of the marinières shooting in collaboration with Armor-lux. Today she tells us about her milky adventure with twins and gives very useful tips!
What are your fondest breastfeeding memories?
I have so many beautiful breastfeeding memories. I would say all the same that the most beautiful memory is the first time. The first breastfeed in tandem! When I write it seems crazy to me, I did not dare to imagine that it was possible and so natural to breastfeed my two babies simultaneously. But more generally, I would say that my best memories of breastfeeding are those outdoors: In nature, during our trips to the beach, to the mountains and even on our sailboat! Otherwise Feedings in the morning at “a convenient time” in my bed.
What were the most helpful tips for breastfeeding the twins?
Thanks to the midwives and auxiliaries, I learned the different techniques of installation in the maternity ward:
- In rugby ball,
- In Madone Rugby
- In lubally
- Or lying down
Obviously it is important to have support if needed from midwives and organizations such as the "lèche league".
How did each find their place in the milky adventure?
Breastfeeding is an incredible and beautiful adventure. A simple adventure in which Camille took part from the start. This made my life a lot easier when installing Mahel and Mathis during feedings. I thus gained confidence and pleasure in breastfeeding my two babies simultaneously. Besides, this privileged contact all 3 also really made me realize that I had these two little beings in my belly. Because very honestly, until the birth I almost had trouble realizing that they were two, despite bi-monthly ultrasounds.
And as crazy as it sounds nature is really well done. To believe that a woman's body is designed to breastfeed twins!!!
And then thanks to breastfeeding I created a unique bond with my two babies, a bond of 3 because of our proximity.