Exercise with your baby

After having proposed an article on Sports during pregnancy, this is your baby who we take care of today by talking to you about the "baby sport". And yes, it's well known, Sport is good for health, so let yourself be seduced by this new trend.
But why adopt the "Baby-Sport"?
Baby sport, more commonly known as "baby-sport", is a great way to bodily awakening for your child. In addition to that, it allows fun, relaxation, and’Infant appeasement, just give way to your energy and your good humor! The benefits are not only for your baby. This also allows you to spend time with your infant outside the house and gently find your shape, while meeting other mothers.
If you prefer a more supervised practice, many centers now offer open classes To mothers and their babies, developed by professional and adapted to your baby's age, for a Sports practice safely.
Which "baby-sport" to choose?
Swimming :
One of the sports that will certainly amuse your baby is swimming. From 4 months, babies can start swimming. Some public swimming pools even offer " Baby swimmer ». Babies also have swimming reflexes, they beat legs and arms and know how to close their mouths and eyes in contact with water. And yes, after having spent 9 months surrounded by amniotic fluid, infants also feel comfortable in the water as in their mom's belly. The "swimming baby" lessons allow your little-bout to familiarize himself with the contact of water in a fun way while providing him with a feeling of relaxation and freedom.
Yoga is a sport that will appeal to baby. Perfect for developing your sense of balance, yoga is a fun activity to teach your little new postures and positions. This activity Stimulates the development of babies by massages and suitable exercises. Yoga allows the baby to gain attention and develops its bodily awakeningL. And why not practice yoga at the same time as baby? The practice of mom-baby yoga is a great way to Return after childbirth And promotes union between mom and her infant.
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Like yoga and swimming, there are "Baby Gym" lessons In other words, baby gymnastics. The objective of the baby gym isHelp baby or child develop motor skills. He learns in particular that coordinate and at Acquire a good sense of balance.
Run with your baby:
Since the birth of your little one, you want to find the shape but do not find time to do it? If you like to run, Discover the new trend in "running stroller". Thread your sports clothes and go with a baby for a small running while enjoying the outside. Your baby will love to look at the world around him ! Be careful to respect the safety instructions for this sport!