Prenatal yoga, a special pregnancy sport!

Contrary to what one might think, sport is not incompatible with pregnancy, it is on the contrary beneficial For the pregnant woman and her baby. However, you have to choose an activity adapted to your pregnancy so as not to run out of steam or effort. In this World Yoga DayHeart cache advises you the prenatal yoga.
Why yoga?
Yoga is a set of stretching, postures and breathing exercises that make it possible to find a balance of the body and the mind.
It allows pregnant women to live their pregnancy so harmonious and serene. Indeed, you can reduce your stress and reduce your fatigue thanks to a relaxing and soothing sport. The prenatal yoga will also allow you to treat pregnancy Like stomach burns, water retention, poor flow of blood or back pain.
But that's not all ! It also presents Benefits for childbirth. Indeed, you will bring flexibility to your body, get to know him and better breathe, which will allow you to better manage the contractions and be more relaxed on day J.
These sports courses are offered in maternity but also by specialized teachers, at home or in collective.
Our recommendations
Heart cache must take care of his clients and remind you of some small advice:
- It is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor when your pregnancy is at risk.
- If you have never done yoga before, it is advisable not to make yoga alone at home, simply to avoid bad positions for the baby and not to hurt.
Do not forget to moisturize you and ask your doctor's advice to experience your sports experience.
In order to accompany you during your prenatal yoga experience, cache heart advises you to illusion pregnancy line. She will sublime you and you will guarantee absolute comfort with her pregnancy soft bra and his pregnancy leggings Available in several colors.
The whole team wishes you a good feast of yoga!