Good news of the day: You can start or continue to breastfeed your child during COVID19!

Indeed during this epidemic period, it is necessary to remind you that breast milk is very effective in protecting your newborn from the diseases it may encounter thanks to the antibodies that you send to it via breastfeeding.
How does my body produce breast milk?
During your pregnancy, your body will develop an entire important blood hair network in terms of your breasts. This will then allow to bring all the elements that constitute breast milk (proteins, lipids, water, carbohydrates, etc.) to manufacturing cells. This makes it possible to prepare lactation.
During your delivery, your pregnancy hormones will stop being produced. This allows you to make room for a hormone made by your brain: prolactin.
This hormona will allow the synthesis and storage of your milk.
Thanks to this process, you will have milk ascents and will therefore be able to breastfeed your child.
But what about breastfeeding and covid19?
Breastfeeding and covid19
According to the retreat of scientists on COVID19, this virus does not circulate in patients' blood: breast milk would therefore not be affected by it.
It is even important to support all women wishing to start or continue to breastfeed. Indeed, thanks to the antibodies transmitted during feedings, your child's immune defenses will be increasingly strengthened and this will allow your newborn to fight viruses. In the event of difficulties, it is essential to orient them towards IBCLC lactation consultants, professionals trained in breastfeeding or support associations
In order to minimize the risks, you can follow the advice provided by Elise Chenel nursery nurse in the neo-natalogy service of the Robert Debré hospital (information extracted from the program "La Maison des Maternelles" of 17.03.2020) :
è wash your hands well before and after carrying your child in the breast, as well as regularly during the day
Wear a mask during breastfeeding to protect your child and share a while gently with him.
And above all, don't forget! Respect the instructions against COVID19 to protect you and protect your loved ones.
Take care of yourself,
The curve team,